Thursday, October 22, 2009

Happy 70th Birthday Dad!!!

On October 11th, my Dad turned 70! We celebrated on Saturday afternoon at Dad & Shirley's in Litchfield.

We decided to give Dad a gift from the heart this year. The kids all got together pictures from the past and the present. Chris collaborated everything into a slide show DVD, and even set it to some of Dad's favorite Willie Nelson and Elvis tunes. I think it's safe to say we all had a little tear at the end of the DVD. All Dad could say was it was the best Birthday ever! We couldn't have asked for a better reaction!

Yes...there are really 70 candles on the cake!

It took 2 people (and 1 supervisor) to light all of the candles.

At least it took only 1 person to blow them out!

Even though it was Grandpa's Birthday, Tori was over the moon with the present that Grandma Shirley gave her. What little girl wouldn't love a purse full of lip gloss, jewelry and other goodies?

Camden is ready to party! Bring it on!
It was a really great day spent with family for such a special occasion. I mean, your Dad only turns 70 once, right?
We love you Dad!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Finding Something To Do

Sometimes, when we have a slow afternoon, the kids get a little antsy. And, being the mother, it's my job to keep them entertained. Today, my bright idea was a cowboy treasure and all. The kids were fighting over the map, so I ripped the map in half. Their first job was to work as a team to tape the map back together. Then I sent them to the basement to find their treasure. They make really good treasure hunting cowboys!

Halloween or Christmas???

MN has decided to skip fall all together and go straight to winter, snatching our beloved Halloween from us! On Sunday, October 11th, this is what we woke to. And since, there has been even more snow. Yuck!

What sad Halloween decorations.