So since I have started to feel better in my second trimester, I try to get out for a walk when I can. Nolan likes to ride his bike while I push Tori in the stroller. There is a great path near our house, but along the way to the path is a dirt bike track which Nolan loves to ride on. Last night Nolan showed Daddy his new found skills riding up and down the hills, and made a couple of new friends along the way. When it w
as all said and done, Tom & Nolan didn't get home until nearly 8:30 pm, to which Tom replied... "that was fun". I have a feeling the dirt bike track may be a reoccuring place to play until it gets just too darn cold out!
Is Nolan already riding without training wheels?
yep. that was his personal goal this summer!
Dang...a good goal to have. Cate says she thinks she will try to ride without her training wheels when she is six....(i.e. next year)
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